Our Team


Contact Anthony
0401 830 280

Anthony Palmer — Principal

Anthony is a skilled commercial lawyer who has over 15 years experience in advising and negotiating on commercial matters in a number of specialist areas, including technology, start-ups, intellectual property licensing and commercialisation, trademark law, employment law, privacy, and film and television. He is a strong communicator and values a proactive and commercial negotiation style to lock in deals that work. 

Anthony graduated with a Bachelor of Laws and Commerce from the University of Melbourne and spent a number of years working as a lawyer in London before returning to Melbourne where he has built an extensive career as a highly-regarded in-house media and entertainment lawyer. 

Anthony studied producing at The American Film Institute in Los Angeles and currently sits on the Corporate Committee of Hope Street, a not-for-profit organisation that provides specialist youth homelessness services.


Contact Chris
0438 309 335

Chris Kamen — Lawyer

Chris enjoys advising creative entrepreneurs such as filmmakers, designers, photographers, tech startups, and other small businesses that are based on the use of intellectual property.

After establishing himself as a film and TV producer in the noughties, Chris expanded his skillset into the law by completing a post-graduate Juris Doctor at Monash Law School in 2015, and was then admitted as a lawyer in 2016.

Over the years Chris has developed his legal skillset at TressCox, Marshalls and Dent, and Shiff and Co. He has also gained valuable in-house business affairs experience at leading Australian film and TV production companies including Matchbox Pictures, CJZ and Genepool Productions.